Divisions, Units and Departments

Planning Unit (Public Sector Investment Programme Unit and Economic and Social Planning Unit

Economic and Social Planning Unit:

This Unit focuses on designing the national management development framework through the roll-out of the Sustainable Development Goals, National Resilience Development Strategy (NRDS) 2018-2030, the Climate Resilience and Recovery Plan (CRRP) 2020-2030, and the Compendium of policies derived from the Development of Dynamic Dominica: Building Resilience.  Moreover, has the responsibility to advise on policy formulation and implementation to ensure conformity with national plans and national development priorities.

The Unit also leads the mobilization and management of technical, financial and development support for the successful implementation of Government’s priority plans and programmes and also coordinate the planning, mainstreaming and implementation processes; measure national performance, and report on the sustainable and resilience development agenda.

This Unit is also responsible for carrying out macro-economic analysis and advise on the economic performance of the country and conducts social research, policy analysis and development, social development planning, and stakeholder mobilization.  The unit also helps provide direction on social innovation to improve the quality of life of all Dominicans.  

Public Sector Investment Programme Unit (PSIP)

The PSIP Unit is responsible for the formulation of the annual and medium-term Public Sector Investment Programme of the Government. The Unit also monitors the technical and financial implementation of the capital budget in collaboration with line ministries, and through online dashboards; weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual progress reports; supervisory and technical meetings; and project site visits.

The PSIP Unit also collaborates with line ministries in the preparation and submission of project proposals seeking allocation of resources.  In so doing, the Unit advises the policy makers on the effective allocation of resources for competing projects.  Furthermore, the PSIP staff effectively administer, co-ordinate and monitor grants, both financial and technical assistance within the budget.

A critical role of the PSIP Unit is to collate and analyze public expenditure to inform the budget allocation process.